Saturday, October 27, 2012

Knowing Nothing

I believe it was Plato who said that the wisest man is the man who knows that he knows nothing.  Well Plato, I'm with you on this one.  In the last two years I have learned just how little I truly know in regards to love, friendship, and life.  It's funny, in those years I have felt invincible, defeated, loved, hated, praised, and neglected.  I began the time thinking that I was maturing and becoming one of those people that others could look to for advice and help.  In some cases, maybe I have; but overwhelmingly, I am learning lessons everyday that continue to add validity to Plato's statement.

So here I am, with a blog entitled "A Word from the Not so Wise" and I intend to share my thoughts, beliefs, and humor with whomever may come across this little piece of me.  Maybe one day I'll look back from the start and see how silly this is, but for now, here we go.